Presented to you by Alter comes a figure of Percival from the Japanese social-network and role-playing video game Granblue Fantasy, donning his iconic in-game outfit...
Rei Ayanami from the popular Rebuild of Evangelion series returns to Alter's 1/7 scale figure lineup! This figure shows Rei floating in the air with long...
來自 Ryou's Work is Never Done 動漫系列中出現了銀杏索拉的 1/7 比例人物! 她有一對可愛的貓耳朵,一條尾巴,並且非常詳細地創造了。 產品特點 24 釐米 (9.44 英寸) 1/7 比例 由聚氯乙烯和ABS製成 摘自《Ryou's Work is Never Done》系列 非鉸接式 箱內物品...
From the popular A Certain Magical Index anime series comes the Misaki Shokuhou (Tiger Bikini Ver.) 1/6 scale figure by Alter! This figure is around...
From Fate/Grand Order Arcade, "Caster/Merlin [Prototype]" appears in the form of the Second Coming. The appearance of walking slowly with a smile and the costume that...
From the Fate/Grand Order mobile game comes the Berserker/Arjuna 1/8 scale figure by Alter. Berserker/Arjuna is displayed in great detail while standing with an overall...
From the Fate/Grand Order mobile game comes the Lancer/Karna 1/8 scale figure by Alter. Lancer/Karna is displayed in great detail while standing with an overall...
From the dark fantasy series "Overlord" comes a figure of the doppelganger battle maid, Narberal Gamma! Based on the illustration by artist so-bin, Narberal is posed...