"We mourn the turbulent world, call people and sisters and brothers!" The main characters of the anime "Sengoku Youko," siblings Tama and Jinka, are now...
From the virtual YouTuber agency "NoriPro" produced by manga artist Norio Tsukudani, "Tamaki Inuyama" has been made into a 1/7 scale figure! A VTuber who...
From the TV anime based on the popular light novel "Our Dating Story: The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me", Runa Shirakawa has been three-dimensionalized...
Presenting a figure of illustrator K Prings "Dairy Cow Sayuri" illustration! Sayuri is dressed in a cow-print swimsuit, pulling its shoulder straps with both hands....
The lone first star with a determined resolve. From "Umamusume: Pretty Derby" comes a new 1/7 scale figure of Admire Vega! The figure features Admire Vega...
From the hit video game Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book comes a new 1/7 scale figure of the titular alchemist herself, Sophie Neuenmuller!...
Celebrate your love for Yu-Gi-Oh! with the exquisite Haru Urara 1/7 figure from the Monster Figure Collection by Amakuni. Known from the official card game, Haru Urara comes to life with...
From the critically acclaimed anime film Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time comes a new 1/7 scale figure of the EVA pilot Asuka Langley Shikinami! Dressed...
From the popular Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation anime series comes the Roxy Migurdia (Navy Blue Swimsuit Ver.) 1/7 scale figure by Design Coco. This figure...
From the TV anime "Urusei Yatsura", Lum and Ten are now 1/7 scale figures. This three-dimensional item designed specifically for the figure and based on...
Hobby Sakura brings us the first installment of their "Chibi Figure" series of characters from the popular smartphone game "Goddess of Victory: NIKKE"! Each of...
Expand your figure collection with this original character Imp 1/7 scale figure by Hobby Sakura! This figure stands just under 10 inches tall and displays...
Expand your figure collection with this original character Imp 1/7 scale figure by Hobby Sakura! This figure stands just under 10 inches tall and displays...
From the popular Touhou Project franchise comes the Ghost From the Calamitous Nirvana Yuyuko Saigyouji 1/6 scale figure by Magi Arts! This figure is over...
Play Toy 1/6 P025A Stellar Blade Eve Material: ABS, ClothScale: 1/6 Includes:- Main figure- Female headsculpt with moveable eyeball- Headdress- Tight-fitting outfit (including boots)- Transparent...
Play Toy 1/6 P025B Stellar Blade EveMaterial: ABS, ClothScale: 1/6Includes:- Main figure- Female headsculpt with moveable eyeball- Head ornament- Hoodie- Tight-fitting outfit (including boots)- Sword-...
The third figure created from the illustration drawn for the Radio EVA series has arrived! The figure is based on the stylish illustration by Mai Yoneyama....
"Teehee, I was just kidding." From the popular game "Girls' Frontline" comes a scale figure of DP-12 in her "Morning Fable" swimsuit outfit that was...
The ideal girlfriend, neat and sweet, is turned into a figure wearing a swimsuit! Chizuru Mizuhara, one of the heroines of the popular romantic comedy...
From the Yu-Gi-Oh! Monster Figure Collection comes the Tour Guide From the Underworld 1/7 scale figure by Amakuni! This figure is sculpted in the familiar...
From the dark fantasy "Overlord," the combat maid, the third daughter of the Pleiades, "Narberal Gamma," is now available as a figure by AMAKUNI. Based...
From the popular Chainsaw Man anime comes the Makima 1/7 scale figure by AmiAmi and Amakuni! This figure perfectly displays Makima's mysterious and cold-hearted aura...
Expand your figure collection with the Pocket Art Series Sister Friede (SP Ver.) 1/12 scale action figure by Hasuki. This highly posable action figure includes...
Expand your figure collection with the Pocket Art Series Sister Friede 1/12 scale action figure by Hasuki. This highly posable action figure includes additional parts...
Expand your figure collection with the Pocket Art Series Rose Knight Gloria 1/12 scale action figure by Hasuki. This highly posable action figure includes additional...
Expand your figure collection with the Pocket Art Series Security Guard Hiyo Reizei 1/12 scale action figure by Hasuki. This highly posable action figure includes...
From the popular Azur Lane video game comes the Charybdis (Brilliant Belle Ver.) 1/7 scale figure by Apex! Charybdis is seen wearing her tight white dress...
From the Reverse: 1999 video game comes the APPLe the Erudite and Juicy Edition Limepie figure by Apex. This figure displays the prestigious APPLe atop...
Otherwhere is proud to present a new 1/6 scale original character figure that will add some flirtatious vibes to your collection: Houri! Based on the...
Otherwhere will be releasing a Maki Sairenji 1/6 scale figure based on an illustration by POPQN. Product Features 11.4 inches tall (29cm) 1/6 Scale Made...
Otherwhere is proud to present a new 1/6 scale original character figure that will add some flirtatious vibes to your collection: Maid Onee-san Cynthia! Based...
Fuumi's illustration "Sky Blue Morning" is three-dimensionalized with a figure! The hair and oversized shirt are made of clear parts, faithfully reproducing the transparency seen...
From Sayu Ayuma artwork comes a 1/6 scale figure of the original character, Riko Rihara! Dressed in an adorable swimsuit with signature ribbons, her charm...