From the popular Laid-Back Camp anime series comes the Rin Shima with Three-wheeled Scooter 1/10 scale figure by Alter. This figure displays Rin sitting on...
From the popular Azur Lane video game comes the August von Parseval (The Conquered Unhulde Ver.) 1/7 scale figure by Alter. This highly detailed figure...
From the critically acclaimed anime film Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time comes a new 1/7 scale figure of the EVA pilot Asuka Langley Shikinami! Dressed...
From Fate/Grand Order Arcade, "Caster/Merlin [Prototype]" appears in the form of the Second Coming. The appearance of walking slowly with a smile and the costume that...
From the Fate/Grand Order mobile game comes the Avenger/Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) (Ephemeral Dream Ver.) 1/7 scale figure by Alter. Jeanne d'Arc is displayed in great detail...
From the Fate/Grand Order mobile game comes the Berserker/Arjuna 1/8 scale figure by Alter. Berserker/Arjuna is displayed in great detail while standing with an overall...
From the Fate/Grand Order mobile game comes the Lancer/Karna 1/8 scale figure by Alter. Lancer/Karna is displayed in great detail while standing with an overall...
Rei Ayanami from the popular Rebuild of Evangelion series returns to Alter's 1/7 scale figure lineup! This figure shows Rei floating in the air with long...
Presented to you by Alter comes a figure of Percival from the Japanese social-network and role-playing video game Granblue Fantasy, donning his iconic in-game outfit...