From the minds at Vertex comes an original character of the Elf Village series, Sylvia! This figure was designed by Asanagi, sculpted by Leslyzerosix, and painted...
Based on the original illustration series Elf Village, the 4th elf villager joins the 1/6 scale figure line: Priscilla! She features a removable ribbon to...
Based on the original illustration series Elf Village, the 5th elf villager joins the 1/6 scale figure line: Kukuru! This adorable magical creature poses with...
Based on the original illustration series Elf Village, the third Villager Lincia joins the 1/6 scale figure line! This adorable magical creature stands about 9.8...
Based on the original illustration series Dark Elf Village, the 2nd elf villager, Lyra joins the 1/6 scale figure line! She features a removable skirt...
Vertex is proud to launch their new orginal series "Orbit Girls" with the moon warrior: Fiona Full Moon! Designed by Nadare Takamine, the stylish but...