Under the production of HOBBY SAKURA, we present this 1/6 scale PVC figure of "Space Police Woman," based on the original illustrations by the artist...
Martha-sensei, an original character by the popular artist Throtem, is now a figure just for you by Hobby Sakura! Her pose, bending over her lectern,...
Expand your figure collection with this original character Absent-minded JK Hina Aiuchi 1/7 scale figure by Hobby Sakura! This figure stands just under 10 inches...
Expand your figure collection with this original character Absent-minded JK Hina Aiuchi 1/7 scale figure by Hobby Sakura! This figure stands just under 10 inches...
Hobby Sakura will be releasing a 1/6 scale figure based on the Naughty Police Woman illustration by CheLA77. Product Features 10.6 inches tall (27cm) 1/6...
Sakura from "Goddess of Victory: Nikke," wearing her "Midnight Stealth" outfit, is now an outstanding figure by Hobby Sakura! She dangles two kunai from her...
The RABBIT GIRL illustration by Gen Grandia will be released in figure form by Hobby Sakura! Product Features 7.08 inches tall (18cm) 1/7 Scale Made...
Based on the illustration by popular artist Kirino, their original character "Kuro" has been three-dimensionalized and is now available as a 1/7 scale figure! Product...
Hobby Sakura presents a beautiful 1/6 scale figure of StarCat's original character Rainbow Nanohana Hoshi! This figure depicts the traditional bunny suit in a new way....