From the classic anime franchise "Mobile Police Patlabor," Schaft Enterprise's experimental prototype Labor Griffon is coming to threezero's ROBO-DOU line! ROBO-DOU Griffon is a 1/35th...
Transformers Masterpiece G introduces their forth figure in their upcoming Raiden Combiner with MPG-04 Trainbot Suiken! Trainbot Shouki, which was active in the TV anime...
1. This is a 1/6 scale accessory and compatible for 1/6 figure customizing.2. Head sculpts without an in-built neck come with connectors.3. The stock pictures...
This Ouko 1/6 scale figure, based off of an original piece by illustrator Biya, will be released by ModelWay! Product Features 11.2 inches tall (28.5cm)...