モッドファン AL01S シルバーローラー
材料: ABS、ポリ塩化ビニール、合金
高さ:14.5センチメートル/ 5.7インチ
* これは、公式のマスターピースMP-10とMP-44オプティマスプライムの両方のトレーラーと代替モードで互換性のある、変形してポーズ可能なG44ローラーフィギュアです。
Excellent figure, highly recommended!
Very cool
Ecxelent figure, arrived very quickly.
Just a great transformer. The transformation is pretty ingenious and it looks great in both modes. Masterpiece style.
I love this figure it's better than anticipated and has some weight to it. great add on for my collection
Extremely protected. Nice order.
this had been the easiest and by far the best transaction from 3rd party bot makers. I highly recommend this item